Katie Simon, MD

About Dr. Simon
My name is Dr. Katie Simon and I am life long Texan but spent a few years out of our great state for my medical training. I am a practicing physician in Austin. I am a neonatologist which means I take care of infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I am credentialed in the Ascension Seton Hospital System. I am married to Dr. Dave Simon who is a pediatric nephrologist which means he takes care of children with kidney disease. We have two daughters, Emma and Betsy. We are members of Congregation Beth Israel and have lived in Austin since 2006.

What is your training?
I earned my B.A. from Southwestern University in Georgetown and my M.D. at UTMB Galveston. I completed my pediatrics residency training at LSU in New Orleans. I started my neonatology fellowship training in UT Houston and completed it at the University of Washington in Seattle. I learned how to perform circumcisions while in training at LSU and have been performing them since 2000. I regularly perform circumcisions in the hospital as a part of my medical practice. I became certified as a mohelet in 2017 by the National Association of Mohalim.

Why do you do this?
I have the training and I am happy to perform this ancient ritual that is rich with many beautiful customs. I feel an obligation to give back to my community and to honor our son, Max, who died before he was able to have his own bris.

What do you charge for a circumcision?
My recommended fee is $850. I accept cash, personal check, or Venmo. If you have any financial concerns, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.